Sunday, October 15, 2006

Class Chalet and YEA, new semester begin.

I'm back to update this. Whenever i update, there will be a sorry in the post. So here goes.. SORRY TO KEEP YOU GUYS ALL WAITING(for having this lifeless blog which update once in a few weeks).

I bet the 7 weeks holiday is a long rest for some(and others who earn pocket money).

We too open a class chalet at Coasta Sands Resort from 9 October to 11 October. WE HAVE FUN DONT WE? To those who didn come, please(or do) come next time, okay? :D

The chalet happenings..

And here's the photos we took for the first day. We went to the dirty beach.

So this is some abstract Jessica took.

The park..

..where you're able to see life.

The beach..

..where the sand says: "Pen down your thoughts."

So here's what we did,

We wrote our name on the sand. TEEHEE.

So this is Eugenia and Jessica,

They're cool girls. LOL.

Here's is some abstract again.

..where you see green.

Besides those.. we did cam-whore session in our rooms.

It was kind of blur so Jess named it ECSTACY(as if we really took those).

This is Aaron and Desmond.

The gay friend. LOL.

Mirror reflect us,

Dont they? :D

The normal shots,


And here's a video taken by Aaron(who call Jessica LULU, MARIA)...

The first night we played truth and dare. There was a number of forfeit involed. So here's a forfeit of Jess...

She kissed Robin! Lol.

(And for your info, Jess aint screaming.. it's Eug's voice. =\)

There's also forfeit for others like, Aaron was asked to run around with his boxers, Soon Tong asked to dance like William Hung, Jerms and Yiling asked to make nine funny faces and etc.

In the midst of the game, a cockroach intruded the place. So it's hunting time..

But to no avail, they cant find.. NOT EVEN THE CORPSE.

We played memory game too. it seems like some black magic. HAHAH.

Who have the best memory? Scratch heads.

The second night we did barbecue and stuffs.

They're handling the charcoals.

More to go..

The three musketers(sp?). LOL.

The formals.

The four flowers(said by Aaron). LMAO!

The aftermath.

The group.

Does we look like superstars?

..on red carpets? HAHA.

Eng Hua's shirt written,

"Republic Polytechnic", aint we from Nanyang Polytechnic?

Bidding goodbye,



...and if you're from MI0614, do comment.